Accelerator for user-oriented harmonisation of rolling stock

Maintenance Software

 This EuroSpec, named “Maintenance Software”, will specify a common reference frame for the maintenance software applications of rolling stock ‘s electronic onboard control units. 

The amount of control units on trains is increasing, as each function is usually managed by a dedicated control unit (ie: one for the HVAC, one for the doors, one for the WC, one for the brakes, …). 

The current situation is characterised by proprietary communication protocols and various physical connectors, which discourage continuous improvement during the life cycle, interoperability, efficient troubleshooting and free competition. As a result, some manufacturers have recently developed their own specifications and try to impose it to their suppliers. It would be beneficial to operators to have a standard specification for the maintenance software applications of rolling stock.

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Maintenance Software 1.0 PB 4.00 KB 123 downloads

Version 1.0 | July 2021 ...